Category: Uncategorized

  • Shepherd’s Purse: The Protocarnivore On Your Doorstep

    Shepherd’s Purse: The Protocarnivore On Your Doorstep

    As I was walking home, a delicate plant growing en-masse around a tree pit caught my eye. With long stalks bearing tiny heart-shaped seed pods along its length ending in a cluster of small white flowers, it looked rather cute and innocuous.  Cue my eccentric plant lady urge to crouch down and take some close…

  • The Hidden World of Lichen: A Surprisingly Gastronomic History

    The Hidden World of Lichen: A Surprisingly Gastronomic History

    When I picture what extraterrestrial life would look like, I imagine that it would look quite similar to the many eccentric presentations of lichen. It can take on numerous forms and colours; sometimes vaguely plant-like, at other times reminiscent of a mould or coral. I’ve always loved finding lichen on walks, picking up colourful encrusted…